Buy Low:
- Kendry Morales- He started last year pretty slow. If your Morales owner was expecting Prince Fielder type numbers out of the Angels slugger, he could come at a good price.
- Jay Bruce- He couldn't possibly go 1-19 all season long. Right? I sure hope that's right. He has sunk quite a few teams so far this year, so there are bound to be frustrated owners.
- Justin Verlander- Its scary that he has a 9.00 ERA against the lowly Royals and Indians. I have faith he will turn it around though.
- Ryan Zimmerman- He was already undervalued going into the year, and this injury plagued start has not helped his case.
- Raul Ibanez- He is the only Philly (Phillie?) who is hitting below .350. The first week has shown just how powerful the Philadelphia lineup is, so if you can grab an integral part like Raul, it can be a huge boost.
- Trevor Hoffman- He has been really shaky, but there is no way the all-time saves leader gets dethroned by someone mid-season. Job security is a huge deal for closers, and Hoffman has heaps of it.
- Alex Gonzalez- He has hit the most homers out of all shortstops. He is also a 33 year old player, who hasn't played more than 112 games in a season since 2005. He's a great opening week story, but let's face it he isn't gonna be winning a silver slugger any time soon.
- Dana Eveland- I don't have a thing against Blue Jays. Hell, I even said Vernon Wells could be the key to some championships in yesterday's article. Eveland's masterful first outing was promising, but he only struck out 2 slumping Orioles batters.
- Jose Guillen- He has a good opportunity to hit 20 homers, but Guillen is an injury risk and has had mental breakdowns before. He could prove me wrong, but I just flat out don't trust him.
- Scott Podsednik- Alright, I honestly had no intention of choosing sets of teammates here, but while we are in the Kansas City outfield let's talk about Pod. I see him as a poor man's Rajai Davis or Juan Pierre, but he won't put up enough runs to be fantasy relevant.